The Future Of Metaverse Experiences: Virtual Worlds With Real-Life Impact

How are immersive digital worlds making the real world a better place? Join Anatola for an eye-opening journey into the future of the metaverse, where digital worlds are revolutionizing how we connect, create, and make a real impact.

In this session, Anatola will dive into how industries are using immersive experiences to drive sustainability and engage global audiences in exciting, interactive ways.

Drawing on insights from leading innovators, Anatola highlights how virtual environments foster creativity, community-building, and co-creation with audiences, offering sustainable alternatives to physical experiences.

Anatola brings a wealth of knowledge on how these cutting-edge technologies are reshaping industries across the board. Additionally, through her work building her own virtual world which supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals, she has seen the power of virtual worlds to create positive change.

Attendees will discover how gamification and open metaverse platforms are revolutionizing user engagement, while learning how to harness these tools to drive both business success and positive change for the future.

Average length: 45-60 minutes (with optional Q&A)


  • Sustainability & Climate Action: How virtual realities contribute to environmental awareness and solutions.

  • Cultural Connectivity: Enhancing global understanding and empathy through virtual experiences.

  • Common Pitfalls: Addressing the harmful psychological impacts of virtual living, including loneliness and sensory loss.

  • Empowered Futures: Equip attendees with the knowledge to embrace and challenge the evolving landscape of technology.